Thursday, July 30, 2015

Audio book lists July 2015

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

I'm reading my posts from last year -- all two of them, and this summer is not much different.  Putzing around with my plants, playing tennis, cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry.  Shheesh.   I have some creative thoughts when I'm out there, putzing, like this morning I was just looking for reasons to stay outside, listening to the birds and the cicadas, it all sounded so southern.  So I'm pulling weeds, dragging dead branches, fertilizing flowers, just to stay outside and listen.  but soon the heat drove me in, at only 9:15!  And I want to play tennis in this?

Oh, an update from last summer -- I did find a car, thanks mostly to my spouse, who did a lot of the online investigation.  I bought a 2012 Toyota Rav4, the most wonderful blue.  And I am very happy with my car.